WPs & Objectives

WP1: Innovation in restoration techniques

Led by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), WP1 will focus on two objectives:

  • 1.1: Review the technical efficiency and added value of innovative lake restoration solutions to protect and restore biodiversity and to reduce pollution.
  • 1.2: Pilot and demonstrate 10 innovative nature-based solutions (NbS), circular blue-economy (CBS) and biodiversity-focused solutions (BfS) to transform lake restoration. 

WP2: Public mobilisation, engagement and lake governance

Led by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), WP2 will focus on two objectives:

  • 2.1: Test and demonstrate improved systems for more inclusive and effective engagement in lake basin management planning to support participatory governance.
  • 2.2: Demonstrate inclusive and inspirational approaches to public engagement and active mobilisation.

WP3: Policy and financing

Led by (SEMIDE), WP3 focuses on three objectives:

  • 3.1: Map the policies and instruments that affect implementation of restoration measures.
  • 3.2: Analyse policy cohesion and identify the regulatory barriers and opportunities for scaling up nature-based and circular economy solutions.
  • 3.3: Identify the main funding and financing mechanisms to support lake protection and restoration.

WP4: Demonstrating Integrated Lake Restoration

Led by DELTARES, WP4’s objective is to showcase integration of the ecological, social and economic systems for restoring lakes and the services they provide through demonstration at six Demo Basins. It addresses one specific objective:

  • 4.1: Demonstrate at an operational scale the integration of innovative technical solutions in mainstream lake basin management programmes to address multiple pressures affecting large lakes, delivering a Blueprint for lake protection and restoration that addresses broad societal and economic benefits.

WP5: Replication and Upscaling

Led by UKCEH, WP5 delivers and tests a Roadmap for Upscaling European Lake Restoration for the ‘deployment and upscaling’ phase (2026-2030) of Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters. It focuses on two specific objectives:

  • 5.1: Identify European large lake basins where NbS and CBS are replicable and draw up a pan-European priority action plan and Roadmap to support delivery of the Mission upscaling phase (2026-2030).
  • 5.2: Build capacity across three Associated Regions for replicating and upscaling innovative measures.

WP6: Dissemination Exploitation and Communication

Led by Aarhus University, WP6 will maximise impact through communication of project activities and dissemination and exploitation of project outputs. Target audiences include public authorities, citizens, practitioners, key business sectors, the scientific community and policy makers.

WP7: Project management

Led by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), WP7 will ensure effective project management to deliver the project work activities and deliverables. It will manage the data used and produced in the project, minimise risks to delivery and ensure a high quality of products and ethical guidelines are followed.  

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