We will deliver

The FutureLakes Blueprint will guide the technological, social and economic disciplines needed to protect and rejuvenate our lakes. It will turn niche innovations into mainstream solutions with best practices, inclusive public engagement, cohesive policies and green financing, demonstrated through six flagship European lake basin restoration projects.

  • 10 Innovation measures – proven solutions to combat nutrient pollution and restore nature.
  • 6 Flagship Demonstration basins – showcasing the integration of innovations into lake basin management and the Blue Economy, demonstrating that restoring lake water quality boosts both biodiversity and local economies.
  • 3 Associated Regions - empowered to replicate the FutureLakes Blueprint.
  • 1 Roadmap for Upscaling European Lake Restoration, aligned with the EU Missions to Restore our Ocean and Waters and Adapt to Climate Change.
  • A prototype European Lakes Digital Innovation Hub featuring a Knowledge Hub on lake restoration and the eLakes Data Portal, equipped with essential data layers and tools for lake restoration planning.

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