Learn about FutureLakes


FutureLakes is on a mission to combat the myriad threats endangering our lake ecosystems, from nutrient pollution and over-abstraction to increasingly frequent and damaging extreme weather events associated with climate change. With nearly 50% of European lakes failing to achieve good ecological and chemical status and minimal progress over the past decade, the urgency for transformative action is undeniable.

Widespread and escalating harmful algal blooms threaten our water supplies and recreational waters, while hundreds of European freshwater species are declining, endangered or even threatened with extinction. The imperative for a revolutionary approach to lake restoration has never been clearer.

  • Lakes are one of the most threatened ecosystems on the planet, affected by over-abstraction, pollution and climate change.
  • Almost 50% of lakes in Europe fail to achieve good ecological and chemical status, even higher numbers are failing in some Member States, with nutrient pollution from wastewaters and agriculture the most widespread pressures.
  • Many lakes continue to be affected by legacy pollutants accumulated in their sediments.
  • Consequently, over 25% of wetland and freshwater species in Europe are classified by the IUCN as endangered or near threatened.
  • Algal blooms are widely impacting the use of lakes for water supply, recreation and tourism, there is an urgent need to transform our approach to lake restoration.
  • Climate change is exacerbating water quality problems, particularly storm events leading to increasing loads of untreated sewage.

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